Meeting Local Financing Needs

Deposits and Loans

Kiyo Bank and Wakayama Bank both have their main operating bases in Wakayama Prefecture and the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. The management integration of these two banks has increased their combined market share for deposits and loans, and particularly in Wakayama Prefecture, where the banks enjoyed the top share.
    We appreciate the enduring relationships we have been able to establish with our loyal customers through the years, and will make renewed efforts to strengthen the ties of trust between us.

Local Customers Make Use of “Household Accounts”

Many customers open household accounts and utilize for automatic utilities payments or payroll or annuity accounts.
Also customers make use of branches and ATM networks of Kiyo Bank and Wakayama Bank.

1. The employment figures for Wakayama Prefecture are taken from establishment and enterprise census 2004 released by Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
2. The estimated for population aged 65 or over in Wakayama Prefecture as of March 31, 2005 is taken from statistics released by the prefectural government.

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